Seniors Dental Care
We’ll help you keep your natural teeth for as long as possible.
We understand that dental care for seniors can be challenging.
Our mouths, teeth and gums naturally change with age and can deteriorate faster due to dental and gum diseases. You may also experience dry mouth which may lead to increased decay risks, especially root decay.
Matured teeth are likely to have more fillings, which can compromise tooth integrity and require more maintenance. You might have missing teeth and have replaced them with dental implants, bridges or dentures that need special care. Whatever your dental history, we’ll work with you to keep your teeth in great health.
At our practice, we work with each of our senior patients individually. We tailor your dental treatments to suit your needs and keep your best interests in mind.
We emphasize more on preventive and proactive approaches to prevent infections and dental emergencies. Our goal is to help keep you smiling and in great health no matter your age.